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The purpose of my blog is to hopefully encourage other unique individuals to pursue their dreams by becoming totally self-sufficient through creating their own freedom and income, and not having to depend on and be a slave to their j.o.b. All of my contact sites are at, . Thanks so much for viewing my blog!

Monday, February 15, 2010

On being coachable.

Ahhhhh, the importance of listening instead of doing all the talking. It is indeed a challenge. Some people might feel completely lost in a scary, new world and actually be willing to not only listen to what others have to say, but go above and beyond that and ASK for help.
These are the people whose success rate is likely to be much higher than the stubborn ones out there. You know the type. "Don't worry, i'll figure it out." Or, "what makes you such an expert?". It's the typical guy thing. Like how when you're driving you won't pull over to ask for directions.
This is why some women can easily surpass a man at alot of things. Because there's not the huge pride, ego thing going on. This applies to asking for tips on setting up a blog, all the way up to prospecting, or any other area in building your business. Of course you can see the value of being coachable in any area of life, however i am aiming it at a business sense. Point being: if you want to take a shortcut to get on the fast track, then don't be shy. Find someone who is kicking butt at what they do and say, "can you please help me?". That's it.

Shane Williams

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